Tech News

  • Cheats Discovered in CounterStrike

    Published: Monday, December 11, 2000 | By: Dennis

    It seems that various "cheats" have been discovered in the retail release of CounterStrike. Not that I am a big fan of CS but I know how much it sucked to get railed in mid-air by a lucky punk with a ping of 300 over and over again. He might have been good but not that good.

  • ABIT VP6 vs. Epox EP-D3VA

    Published: Saturday, December 9, 2000 | By: Dennis

    The much anticipated SMP motherboard, the ABIT VP6 has finally been released. We at, got our hands on one to test and put up against one of its rivals the Epox EP-D3VA. Check out the action in the reviews section.

  • Gets Sacked!

    Published: Friday, December 8, 2000 | By: Dennis

    I got this from Fatbabies that had in turn kifed it from Planet Half-Life.

    -A source close to Havas sent me the following message via ICQ: "Havas interactive (company who owns Sierra) axed around 500 people. Sierra was a mess on Friday, lots of people crying like babies. Basically, the people who are getting axed are people on the home side (land designer, ect.). The company that was has been completely axed."

    For all of us CounterStrike junkies this could be ugly news indeed. I wonder if anyone is watching the Speeding Train that is WON Serial Number Identification Servers now that all the engineers have been canned.

  • Team Arena Goes Gold!

    Published: Friday, December 8, 2000 | By: Dennis

    Yes you heard correct, Quake3 Tream Arena goes Gold! the expected ship date was left out of the email that I got from GameSpy but we do know this. The 1.27 point release will come out a few days before you can get Q3TA in the stores.

  • GeForce FAQ

    Published: Thursday, December 7, 2000 | By: Dennis

    There isn't much in the way of design on this site but does have some interesting information about the GeForce vidChip.

  • Email features are online again

    Published: Wednesday, December 6, 2000 | By: Dennis

    I finally got the email features back online so for you forum people your email notification should be working once again.

    Tell your friends :)

  • Fan-Less 1.5ghz Athlon

    Published: Wednesday, December 6, 2000 | By: Dennis

    Once again, another link to those astute Brits at The Register. Fast speed with a passive heatsink and aluminum (Pronounced AL-OO-MIN-EE-UM in England) wiring.

  • P3 SMP vs Athlon vs P4 in Win2000

    Published: Wednesday, December 6, 2000 | By: Dennis

    I knew that dual processor machines where the "cat's meow" when used properly. This article just gives it do us in writing with some pretty graphs.

  • Cable modems suck!

    Published: Tuesday, December 5, 2000 | By: Dennis

    Well I was stuck at 56k last night when the cable network went down. I have to admit I feel dirty. But that didn't really upset me, what did was the girl I talked to on the support line proceeded to insist that my node was bad and a technician needed to come out to check it.

    Well if that is the case why do I have access this morning? I hate them but its cheap so what the heck.

  • Deus Ex on the Dreamcast

    Published: Tuesday, December 5, 2000 | By: Dennis

    It looks as though Deus Ex might be ported to the Dreamcast in the near future. But that is not the only game. First Quake 3 Arena, Next Deus Ex and Unreal Tournament. Here is a snip.
    In an interview by Joystick, a French PC gaming magazine, the lead programmer for Deus Ex said "Concerning the PC to consoles port of Deus Ex, I'm not in charge of the port but I oversee the project." So, it looks like Deus Ex will be coming to next generation consoles! Might it come to Dreamcast? Quite possibly, especially since fellow Unreal engine game Unreal Tournament is already well underway. We'll keep you up to date with the latest happenings on this possible story"

    Could be fun,