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CES 2009 Consumer Electronics Show - Day 1
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Corsair and Conclusion
Corsair TEC memory cooler
This little guy is basically a cold plate that will super cool your memory but is smart enough to know what the relative humidity is and won't overchill the system to the point where condensation will form.
That pretty much wraps up the stuff for day 1 at the show, however after the show is when things went a little sideways. First we were invited to the Corsair Cocktail party that started around 5:30pm. This event went on until about 8 or so. After that a bunch of us walked down the strip to the Bellagio to attend the OCZ party and we didn’t get out of there until close to midnight. Some of the other guys went to the MGM Grand for a Sony party but I opted to grab some food and call it a night.
Sorry no photos of either of these events, it was just too dark but imagine this… 150 people packed into a hotel suite, hardly any room to move, free beer and at least one side bedroom dedicated to smokers needing to get their fix. Not exactly productive but it was fun and if you stand there long enough someone will recognize you and come say hi.