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Consumer Electronics Showcase (CES) Day 1
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Saturday, January 13, 2007

Cooler Master
Cooler Master has always had a good booth with a combination of interesting products and user interaction. The cases on display were modified with elaborate paintjobs including a portable gaming case made to look like a military mobile communications unit.
Aside from the expensive yet very fancy gaming cases they also had a home theater PC case on display that could either be placed flat or vertical like a standard tower since the media interface could be rotated. Inside this case was one of their latest Aquagate coolers that features an even smaller pump and more efficient radiator.
For those lucky enough to be around the CoolerMaster booth at 2pm they were giving away several PSU units to lucky ticket holders. I didn't happen to win anything but did get a CoolerMaster stocking cap for standing in the right place at the right time.