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Consumer Electronics Showcase (CES) Extras
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Las Vegas, or Sin City as it is commonly known has been popularized in several big and small screen productions such as CSI Las Vegas, Oceans Eleven (both new and old versions), The James Bond film Diamonds are Forever, and even an Austin Powers film. However even with all that publicity you rarely get to see Vegas as a normal town, or abnormal come CES. Here are some photos I snapped on the bus ride between the Convention Center and the Sands Convention Center. It is by far an accurate portrayal of Vegas but it's pretty safe to say nobody really publishes these kinds of photos. Btw the Sands Convention Center is where the Adult Entertainment Expo was being held along with the overflow exhibits that I visited on Day 2.
There were several tents setup in the parking lot across from the Convention Center, If I had more time I might have even been able to go visit them.
You can see the Hilton Hotel peaking over the Convention Center roof and a super stretched Limo Hummer, you can only imagine what goes on in the back seat. 

The Vegas Monorail is a great way to get up and down the strip provided you are willing to wait in line and pay the 5 dollar ticket. Not sure if you are at risk of being groped or molested on the monorail though since the rides are generally short I'd say the risk is low.
Given the size of Las Vegas (about a half a million people, minus visitors) traffic isn't really that bad, most of the locals move around the strip unless passing thru and the visitors take a taxi or bus.
There are always things being built in Vegas, for instance the last time I visited the Wynn hotel was a dirt lot and now it's a 60 story resort hotel. Actually looking around you'll find several construction projects.