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Computex 2004 Day 2
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Tuesday, June 08, 2004

XFX Booth
XFX has a very creative marketing department and their graphical talent shows on just about everything that XFX produces. By the looks of the booth quite a few people had some sleepless nights getting everything ready. 

XFX had many of their new and current products on display including a few nVidia 6800 AGP cards and their initial line of PCI express products.
One of the XFX slogans is "By Gamers for Gamers" and though they have gotten out of the motherboard market they still produce a line of game controllers for the PC and various console systems. One of the hands on items was this snazzy Xbox controller. This controller is designed for people with smaller hands and actually has a better feel than the current Xbox controller S.