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Computex 2008 Day 4
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Sunday, June 08, 2008

In between meetings we would wander around the show floor looking for interesting things that we may have missed and sometimes we stumble across some pretty neat stuff. You see the Computex show isn’t all about computer hardware but is also a way for manufacturing companies to secure new business while other companies may look to make sales contacts.
Chieftec was one of the companies we met with on an impromptu basis and much to our suprise their entire booth was staffed by sales people. This seemed a little odd on the surface until we talked to them to see how the show was going. Chieftec uses the various tradeshows as an advertising vehicle to trigger sales. Unfortunately it would seem traffic to the booth was down and the sales guys there blamed it on the new show venue, new building, and inability to communicate with the cab drivers. Funny thing, I would have blamed it on the products.
Computex 2008 Day 4 was designed to be a relaxing look at the show and to catch up with folks we either didn’t have time to meet with or didn’t think to contact before hand.
Technically we talked to 10 some companies on Day 4 but only have photos for 2.
Chieftec was one of the companies we met with on an impromptu basis and much to our suprise their entire booth was staffed by sales people. This seemed a little odd on the surface until we talked to them to see how the show was going. Chieftec uses the various tradeshows as an advertising vehicle to trigger sales. Unfortunately it would seem traffic to the booth was down and the sales guys there blamed it on the new show venue, new building, and inability to communicate with the cab drivers. Funny thing, I would have blamed it on the products.
Computex 2008 Day 4 was designed to be a relaxing look at the show and to catch up with folks we either didn’t have time to meet with or didn’t think to contact before hand.
Technically we talked to 10 some companies on Day 4 but only have photos for 2.