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NL Indy Black Friday LAN Madness
Author: William West
Published: Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The End
As the sunlight was lowering in the sky and night was getting ready to set in. We continued to play just a little longer. Having played UT3 right after the lunch break, and then some more Flat-out 2. We were getting in the last game of the day. The game was Battlefield 1942. It is an old game, but still has the fun factor to make it a great game to play.
The shut down began at around 7PM. Everyone started breaking down their systems and loading up their cars. Lots of joking and memories were being discussed along with the antics and stupid things done in game and around the garage.

NinjaLane Indy Black Friday LAN Madness is over and we all wave goodbye till next time. I wanted to thank everyone that read this, and the guys that came to the LAN Party. It was a blast, and I cannot wait for the next one. Also a huge shout out to our wonderful sponsors Crucial, Jab-Tech, and Thermaltake for everything. I would also like to include a big thanks to those that helped out getting it setup. Oh, one last one super thanks to all of our wives, girlfriends, and kids for putting up with us during these LAN Parties. Maybe even my neighbors for doing so too.
By the way who shot the neighbors door with the paintball gun?
By the way who shot the neighbors door with the paintball gun?