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The Dark Art of Inflating Traffic
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Monday, January 25, 2010

Getting Accurate Traffic Numbers
There are ways to get accurate numbers from a website that almost always require intervention by the website owner.
Free services such as are a good bet. Quantcast also makes up traffic numbers by using data from free sites like Alexa and Compete but also allow Webmasters to "Quantify" their websites. Doing so will provide accurate traffic information along with some basic demographic details about its visitors. This is a great service because it not only helps attract advertisers but hides the more "personal" traffic information that Webmasters want to keep private.
Free services such as are a good bet. Quantcast also makes up traffic numbers by using data from free sites like Alexa and Compete but also allow Webmasters to "Quantify" their websites. Doing so will provide accurate traffic information along with some basic demographic details about its visitors. This is a great service because it not only helps attract advertisers but hides the more "personal" traffic information that Webmasters want to keep private.

The most popular method to get traffic details is by using Google Analytics. Analytics is a free service from Google designed to provide in-depth website traffic analysis and reporting. These details are kept private unless the Webmaster decides to share the reports with others.
Google Analytics

All of the traffic information shown here is pretty straight forward and gives anyone looking a basic idea into how one website ranks against another. These tools can also help webmasters determine if changes need to be made to their websites, or used to peek in on the competition.