Welcome to the New Ninjalane Server
Due to Interland screwing up my account I have opted to move this site to a more reliable server, Enter Hostway.
You may have noticed that some of the news posts are missing along with a few threads in the Message Forums. That is due to Interland deciding that they would solve the problem by deleting my website completely.
"Dear Client,
Thank you for your support request. There was a problem on the server in which your account resides. You will need to upload your data to your site as the data for your account has been lost. I am sorry for the inconvience, however we do not guarantee data and you should always keep a backup.
Thank you"
Needless to say that is not how you treat a customer and pretty much sux.
update: Interland decided it was a good idea to restore from backup so I was able to download the database.
Related Web URL: http://ninjalane.securedata.net