Tech News
Command &Conquer Renegade
Published: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 | By: DennisIf any of you ever played the original C&C or even the later releases like Tiberian Sun you already have an idea as to what this game is about, and Renegade follows the theme quite well. As the name suggests you are a Renegade GDI Commando out to stop NOD in a First or Third person environment. What makes the game really fun is that since all of the original game play elements are there, you can still run over solders with your tank.
Pentium 4 1.6a GHz
Published: Monday, March 11, 2002 | By: DennisThese people overclocked a variety of 1.6GHz P4's and found an average speed for each. From the look of the graph the older ones seem to ov3rclock better.
Ninjalane Broken Though the Night
Published: Sunday, March 10, 2002 | By: DennisLast night around 10 o'clock local time the server that ninjalane is hosted on started to experience problems and was taken offline. Sometime during the night a faulty RAID controller was replaced so we are back up and running. Yay!
120GXP Comments @ Storage Review
Published: Friday, March 8, 2002 | By: DennisHere is some more information about the 8-hour run time recommendation for GXP IBM drives.
8-Hour Limits on IBM Hard Drives
Published: Friday, March 8, 2002 | By: DennisThe once cool GXP drives from IBM should not be run for more than 8 hours at a time. I'm not exactly sure the reason behind this but the limit puts a major dent in the usability of the super fast drive.
Price on Blue LED's Falling?
Published: Thursday, March 7, 2002 | By: DennisThe price on Blue LED's is falling but only due to an oversupply. I suspect this will be the case for some time, other than in case mods the blue color isn't much accepted as an "action" color. For instance Green = good, Red = bad, Blue = sky?
Acer Desktop With Via P4 Chipset
Published: Thursday, March 7, 2002 | By: DennisDigiTimes reports a win for Via in the chipset acceptance race when Acer announced that their new desktop computer will feature the Via P4X series of chipsets. I think Intel had better put some pressure on the legal battle if they wish to win else it might be too little too late.
P4 Heatsinks Debut
Published: Wednesday, March 6, 2002 | By: DennisAkiba is once again showing us some new and exciting stuff for the P4. First the ThermalTake P4 Dragon, a while ago I posted some info about this heatsink and I still say it looks like an AVC Sunflower. Next we have an Alpha cooler for the P4, finally . I downloaded the install sheet to see how it mounted. The heatsink uses a spring and pin combo similar to the Athlon version, not sure I like that much.
Antex SX635 Case Review
Published: Wednesday, March 6, 2002 | By: DennisWe have another exciting review this time of the Antec SX635. This case has an amazing set of features all tucked into a tiny little case.
Gainward Ultra/750XP Review @ t-break.
Published: Wednesday, March 6, 2002 | By: DennisI have no idea how much this card will cost but looking at the line of accessories the card comes with the $399 Ti4600 price tag seems a little low. One thing is for sure the Ultra/750XP will eventually make it into a computer near me.