Tech News
Intel to push 400MHz DDR Memory
Published: Monday, March 5, 2001 | By: DennisJust when things where getting good, Intel has pushed to make it better. Intel Corp. is pushing the DRAM industry to develop a 400MHz DDR memory chip for the PC. This is not to replace the ill-fated Rambus solution for Intel processors but rather to give options to customers (something long overdue from the Intel) and the new 400MHz memory would match the 400MHz FSB of the new P4 processor.
Looks like I'll be waiting for a bit to upgrade. -
Doesn't look good for Apple
Published: Sunday, March 4, 2001 | By: DennisIt looks like Apple is going to release an operating system in a similiar fashion as Microsoft ("buggy"). Many Mac users use their systems for Video production and even the new machines come with DVD-R's. But Mac OS X can't even read a DVD much less write one... Ouch.
ServerWorks at it again
Published: Saturday, March 3, 2001 | By: DennisI was checking out the news at today and noticed this article. It talks about what ServerWorks has in store for the XEON line of Intel processors.
The gist of the article is this. They will be producing a DDR chipset called the "Grand Champion HE". It will be capable of 6.4 GBytes/second of memory bandwidth, support 2-way and 4-way processor configurations, and will be the first to support the PCI-X bus. Pretty exciting but will most likely be too expensive for the "average" user. -
Hercules Prophet III
Published: Friday, March 2, 2001 | By: DennisGamespy has a few screenshots of the new GF3 from Hercules. The card is very similar to the GF2 Ultra. With the exception of the Hercules branded "Blue Orb" processor cooler. I can't wait to see how it performs.
Pathetic Webserver Pics
Published: Thursday, March 1, 2001 | By: DennisWith the recent problem I had with my hosting provider moving their servers this weekend I decided to set up a temporary server to host this website from. I like to call it my "bare bones" approach to server setup.
Here are a few photos One Two
The computer is a Pentium 166 with 64 megs of RAM. 7gigs of HDD space 4 of which being part of a Software RAID 0. So far unless I get a major spike in web traffic it should hold up pretty well. -
DNS problems with
Published: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 | By: DennisWell the company that was holding the Ninjalane web server is moving this weekend so there was a bit of a lag in getting the DNS changed over. Sorry if you tried to connect and couldn't get though. Tomorrow I'll post a photo of a real "bare bones system" and show you the current temporary web server.
Hercules to release GeForce3 in March
Published: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 | By: DennisHere is a press release from 525.99 for a GF3. Not to shabby. I believe the GeForce2 Ultra sold for that much when it was released.
Tyan Tiger 200 Review
Published: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 | By: Dennis2cpu has done it again and reviewed another cool motherboard from Tyan. This time the much talked about Tiger 200. This board is mainly designed for rack mount servers and has many integrated features.
Check out what they have to say. -
Motherboard Troubleshooting Guide
Published: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 | By: DennisTech Extreme has an interesting article up on motherboard troubleshooting. Strangely enough this is the first one of these that I've seen. Though he only goes though a few scenarios its a good read to have in your "tech pocketbook".
The Geforce3, Does it replace the Ultra?
Published: Saturday, February 24, 2001 | By: DennisWith all of the hype and talk about the GeForce3 some are wondering if it will really be all that. According to this article we will soon have a very powerful and expensive video processor with no games or applications designed for it.
btw this site isn't Netscape 6 compliant.