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  • SilverStone Temjin TJ04 Case Review
  • SilverStone Temjin TJ04 Case Review


    Case details

    They say everything is in the details and the Temjin TJ04 has quite a few, we'll start with the side panels. The entire case comes with an excellent paintjob though from a modding standpoint the panels are not ideal. The main side panel is held in place with two finger operated locks. The top and other panel are actually a single piece so making modifications to either of these locations can become rather difficult.
    The TJ04 comes with convenient front-mounted USB and audio ports, these are located under the power and HDD LEDs behind an aluminum door. Simply press the door once to open and again to close. However hooking these ports up is a rather time consuming process that requires your motherboard manual and a little patience.
    One of the most common and easiest casemods is replacing the power and HDD LEDs and with the Temjin TJ04 the mod couldn't be any easier. Simply remove the front panel and peal away the hot glue holding the LEDs in place. When you are done just glue them back down and reassemble. Just make sure to match the old and new LED voltages before reassembly.
    As with any case be sure to look for the complimentary "bag of screws" and installation manual before you start. wink smile