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SilverStone Temjin TJ10 Case Review
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Monday, November 19, 2007

Case Layout and Features
Silverstone has always done a very good job in terms of style and embracing the "less is more" philosophy resulting in clean lines and purposeful placements. As was mentioned before the case is an all aluminum design with a mix of light and heavy aluminum stock throughout.
The heavy stock can be found in all of the structural locations whereas the lighter stock is reserved for external panels and fan grills.
The heavy stock can be found in all of the structural locations whereas the lighter stock is reserved for external panels and fan grills.
The S in the TJ10 name stands for Silver which describes the anodizing process. The exterior is fairly rough and soft, the finish will hide minor scratches quite well but a certain degree of care should be exercised to prevent surface imperfections.
External connections can be found on the top of the case hidden behind
a popup door. The connections are limited but feature headphones,
microphone, 2 USB, and 1 Firewire.
The front of the TJ10 is very clean, actually on first look all you
will find is the SilverStone logo, and power and reset buttons. The
door is very unique in that there are no physical locking mechanisms.
In fact unless you knew beforehand you'd never know that a couple small
magnets are holding the door in place.