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Foxconn Quantum Force X48 BlackOps Motherboard Review
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Thursday, July 31, 2008

Motherboard Cooling
The cooling system found on the Quantium Force BlackOps is truly unique. For the first time we have a fully convertible Northbridge cooler that supports up to 4 different configurations.
- Passive cooling, Inside the heasink is a series of cooling fins, this isn’t an ideal passive cooler but does work quite well.
- Active air cooling, to help move things around simply attached the included cooling fan to the Northbridge heatsink. Just be sure to leave room for the air to get out.
- Watercooling, this is clearly the primary cooling method as designed by Foxconn and is also the default cooler configuration. Barbs for 3/8” ID and ½” ID cooelrs are included.
- If you need even more cooling or just want to show off to your friends attached the extension tower for some Dry Ice or LN2 cooling action.
The entire cooling system is linked together with a single heatpipe meaning that passive systems will make heavy use of the radiator located above the PWM and in the case of water or extreme cooling the Northbrige will take its place.
- Passive cooling, Inside the heasink is a series of cooling fins, this isn’t an ideal passive cooler but does work quite well.
- Active air cooling, to help move things around simply attached the included cooling fan to the Northbridge heatsink. Just be sure to leave room for the air to get out.
- Watercooling, this is clearly the primary cooling method as designed by Foxconn and is also the default cooler configuration. Barbs for 3/8” ID and ½” ID cooelrs are included.
- If you need even more cooling or just want to show off to your friends attached the extension tower for some Dry Ice or LN2 cooling action.
The entire cooling system is linked together with a single heatpipe meaning that passive systems will make heavy use of the radiator located above the PWM and in the case of water or extreme cooling the Northbrige will take its place.
The concept is extremely versatile but also makes the entire system rather heavy, small price to pay for an extensible motherboard cooling solution.