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Foxconn Quantum Force X58 BloodRage Motherboard Review
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Motherboard Cooling
The cooling system found on the Foxconn BloodRage is your basic heatpipe cooler covered in fancy red shrouds and logos.
Much like on the Foxconn BlackOps the motherboard cooling system is a 4-in-1 design. The default setup is passive where it relies on system fans to cool the motherboard components. You can add a fan to the Northbridge cooler and make the system actively cooled. You can even remove the passive radiator and replace it with either a waterblock or extreme cooling tower for dry ice or LN2.
The heatpipe system worked really well. We started our testing with the motherboard in passive mode and noticed that each of the 3 radiators did get quite warm but never overheated. Installing the small cooling did help to reduce system temperatures by a few degrees but was extremely difficult to install. By far the best method for us was using the waterblock and tying it into the CPU loop. The block is configured for 1/2” hoses with no way to change them.