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  • Foxconn Inferno Katana P55 Motherboard Unboxed
  • Foxconn Inferno Katana P55 Motherboard Unboxed



    After an extremely long summer wait one of the most anticipated P55 motherboards has finally arrived, the Foxconn Quantum Force Inferno Katana.  The Inferno Katana is the latest board in the Quantum Force lineup and features everything we have come to enjoy.   We had an upfront look at this motherboard during our Foxconn site visit after Computex and were very impressed in what Foxconn had to offer.  Of course we'll be doing a full review of this motherboard in the coming weeks but wanted to share some photos of the motherboard and highlight some of the packaging.

    As the name suggests the box features Japanese Katana surrounded by a variety of complex graphics in the background.  In fact the more you stare at the box the more things you actually find.  Nothing is really hidden in the design but the attention to detail is astounding.  The name Inferno Katana may have a Ninja connotation but we suspect was actually derived from the previous Quantum Force motherboard called the Flaming Blade.
    The side and back of the box highlight some of the features and technologies specific to Quantum Force motherboards.
    Inside you will find 2 containers.  The enclosed box with the Quantum Force logo contains the accessory package, manuals, and cables while the open air box holds the motherboard.
    After removing the motherboard from the static bag we find a foam block covering the CPU socket.  This block is to help protect the PWM heatsinks from being crushed in the event there is some disaster in shipping.  In our case everything looks to be in order.
    There you have it, the Quantum Force Inferno Katana by Foxconn, unboxed and in the wild.  As with all Quantum Force motherboards the Inferno Katana comes equipped with a variety of features specifically designed for the hardware enthusiast and overclocker, these include things like dual BIOS support and a large 12 phase PMW.  Given our success with previous Foxconn designs we're really looking forward to see what the Katana is capable of.

    If you have any questions or comments about this new P55 motherboard from Foxconn please drop by the Ninjalane Message Forum and let us know.