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DFI LanParty UT 790FX Motherboard Review
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Benchmarks - Real World
Quake 4
Quake4 is the latest installment in a long line of "Quake" games from
id Software. While the storyline is more in line with Quake2 the game
engine is taken from Doom3. Together they make for a very exciting game
with some pretty amazing graphics. For this benchmark we're using the
v1.2 patch and included nettimedemo id_demo001. To run this demo pull
down the console and type "playnettimedemo id_demo001", when complete
pulldown the console again to see your score.

Far Cry
Far Cry. This game is very similar to Serious Sam in that the maps are
huge and have a ton of things to shoot. Granted the graphics are quite
a bit better and the water textures are something to die for. For this
benchmark we used the regulator demo and the following command line.
"FarCry.exe -DEVMODE "#demo_num_runs=1" "#demo_quit=1" "#r_Width=800"
"#r_Height=600" "map regulator" "demo regulator""

Serious Sam II
Extreme action and never ending hordes of enemies is what the Serious
Sam series is all about. Serious Sam II looks nothing like the
original; the game engine was complete redesigned from the ground up to
bring better graphics and more complex physics but we still like it for
the wacky storyline and non-stop action. We used a free benchmark
available over at Guru3D called the "Serious Sam II Benchmark" for
these tests.

Xvid Encoding
XviD Movie Encoding Test: This is a new test that was added to cover
other sections of real-world performance. The test consists of a simple
task of encoding a DVD rip from VOB to AVI with AutoGK 2.27 using the
XviD codec. The movie used is the first chapter of Dirty Pair Flash #2
and consisted of 40104 frames. The time shown is how many frames per
second were processed during the first pass to encode the video files.

Content Creation Winstone 2004
The best of the best when it comes to real world benchmarks, this free
program is available from eTesting Labs and uses real programs to test
the overall performance of your computer. These programs include: Adobe
Photoshop 7.0.1, Adobe Premiere 6.50, Macromedia Director MX 9.0,
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 6.1, Microsoft Windows Media Encoder 9
Version, NewTek's LightWave 3D 7.5b, and Steinberg WaveLab

Business Winstone 2004
Business Winstone is quite similar to the Content Creation benchmark
but uses programs that you would most likely use in the office. These
programs include Microsoft Access 2002 SP-2, Microsoft Excel 2002 SP-2,
Microsoft FrontPage 2002 SP-2, Microsoft Outlook 2002 SP-2, Microsoft
PowerPoint 2002 SP-2, Microsoft Project 2002, Microsoft Word 2002 SP-2,
WinZip 8.1 SR-1, and Norton AntiVirus Professional Edition 2003.

Real World Conclusion
Our real world benchmarks are designed to illustrate a cross section in performance that covers gaming, video encoding, content creation and everyday office applications. As was shown in the synthetic performance the UT 790FX was a clear winner in these tests partially due to the faster processor and memory bandwidth