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Soltek SL-865Pro-775 (Hybrid) 'ProSeries' Motherboard Review
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Thursday, August 12, 2004

Bios Features
Soltek has been known to use both the Award and AMI bios on their motherboards and while both support about the same features the AMI bios has a slightly different approach to organizing their Bios menu.
Below are a few shots of the AMI bios, most of the screens are self explanatory though I'll touch on a few of the major features.
The Clock generator interface is very easy to use and for the most part there is no limitation to what its input can be, to change the frequency simply type it in. As you can see from the photo 999Mhz FSB is easily attainable though results in having to reset the CMOS. 

PCI and AGP clocks come locked by default but can be changed based on a limited menu selection.
Soltek Springdale motherboards come with a memory overclocking feature called MBA and when enabled enforces "PAT"'like memory performance, it also turbo charges other aspects of the memory controller. The screenshot shows the default menu selections though with MBA enabled the selection changes to 400, 533Mhz, and Auto, sadly I couldn't get the system to run with Corsair memory while the MBA was enabled.
All of the major system components can be voltage adjusted except for the i865PE Northbridge. AGP and DIMM voltages are typical though CPU voltage ranges from 1 to 1.8v giving the overclocker plenty of voltage settings to play with.