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Soltek SL-K8AN-RL 'Black Thunder' Motherboard Review
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Tuesday, January 27, 2004
BIOS Features
With current Athlon64 motherboard offerings it is not uncommon to see a limited set of overclocking controls, the K8AN-RL happens falls into this category.
The clock generator and voltage circuits are fairly limited on this motherboard. The highest FSB attainable via the bios is 250Mhz though since most current Athlon64 3200+ processors don't run much above 220Mhz FSB I think it will be enough. Along the same lines the maximum Vcore is 1.550 so even if the FSB could go higher core voltage would become an issue. The other voltages and settings appear to be well within tolerable levels.
Based on the provided settings and the lack of memory timing adjustments you can see that this board isn't really designed with an overclocker in mind.