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QNAP TS-509 Pro Turbo NAS Review
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Sunday, October 12, 2008

Product Design and Features Cont.
We're using 36Gig 10,000RPM WD Raptor drives in our NAS installation. This may not sound like much considering that the TS-509 Pro this device supports up to 4TB in a RAID 5.
The SATA connection is made on the back of the unit in the typical Hot Swap manner while the cables neatly snake around and plug into the motherboard along the side of the drive cage. The QNAP TS-509 Pro has plugs for 8 SATA connections; likely as part of a standard motherboard design. You think maybe there will be an 8 drive edition in the near future?
We always like to see how thing are assembled, many of the photos above speak for themselves. The CPU heatsink is a stock Intel heatsink minus the cooling fan. Onboard storage is split into 2 parts. System memory is handled by the laptop style DDR2 module while OS and configuration storage is handled by the Apacer flash card. This way no application data is stored on the RAID arrays to maximize space.