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NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 Video Card Review
Author: Will West
Published: Friday, March 26, 2010
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
COD: Modern Warfare 2 is a second installment in the Modern Warfare series and set sometime after the conclusion of COD4. The game is a very fast moving first person shooter that is known for its incredible single player story line and strong online multiplayer community. MW2 is one of the top grossing games of all time. Technology wise Modern Warfare 2 is based on DirectX 9 technology and really shows that game developers can still make incredible looking games from older technology.
For the testing of MW2 all setting was enabled with Extra set for all textures and 4X Anti-Alaising.
The GeForce GTX 480 is just neck at neck with the Radeon 5870 on Modern Warfare 2. Only taking a lead over the 5870 at the 1680x1050 resolutions, which are only 11 FPS more, but every frame counts. The older generation cards like the Radeon 4870X2 stays right up there with the GTX480 as well.
The real surprise is how fast, yet slow the GTX 285 is by comparison. At 1680x1050 this card is clearly fastest until the resolution increases, at which point the card cannot keep up and falls behind.
The real surprise is how fast, yet slow the GTX 285 is by comparison. At 1680x1050 this card is clearly fastest until the resolution increases, at which point the card cannot keep up and falls behind.