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Computex 2004 Day 3
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Triplex and Asus
I am very sad to say that I believe Triplex has officially entered a manufacturing slump. Of the things in their booth the two ATI posters seemed to be of the most interest and none of the cards on display had their patented silver process PCBs. Its sad when a company loses its marketing identify but since they are now selling ATI cards I don't think they have much of a choice.
Asus Booth
Asus appears to be targeting the hardcore gamer under the assumption that these gamers also are import tuners, or has seen the Fast and the Furious (or Road Warrior) one to many times.
These gaming cases look to be a cross between an Alienware case and some mach 3 fighter jet. The case is rather cool but also figgin huge.

Asus was also marketing a new overclocking software that they are calling NOS, I didn't play around with the program much but it appears to do "on the fly" overclocking to give your applications a little extra boost when needed. To help drive the point home a complete NOS enabled racing engine was on display, though it didn't appear to be in running order.