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Computex 2004 Day 3
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Wednesday, June 16, 2004

CoolerMaster has always done a good job with their booth designs and this year packed a ton of stuff into a very tiny space, so tiny infact you couldn't really move around.
The CoolerMaster CoolDive has been kicking around for quite awhile now and every year it just gets a little better, this one comes with a complete hardware monitoring system.
Heatinsk fans have come a long way in recent years morphing from single off the shelf fans to enhanced blower motor designs to this dual fan design that helps to eliminate the dead air spot directly under the fan motor. The concept is fairly simple the topmost fan spins in one direction blowing air thru a venturi and into a second fan spinning in the opposite direction. The two fans combined direct the airflow in a "V" pattern that converges together under the bottommost fan motor. For those that know how a jet engine works this is very similar minus the injection of burning fuel. 

Watercooling has one major stumbling block, installing a system is rather complex and takes up a lot of room. CoolerMaster has simplified the process with this little self-contained unit. You simply install the blocks, connect the hoses and fill with water the unit does the rest. There is even a handy LCD display that displays various temperatures and fan speeds.
CoolerMaster has always been known for their cases and little goodies for them, here are just a few examples of what was on display.