After careful consideration I have decided to transfer all hardware review activities to a new domain. I purchased in 2012 and have been working hard to build a new and improved Ninjalane on that domain. If you are reading this you have reached one of the archived articles, news, projects and/or reviews that were left behind during the site migration.
Please update your bookmarks and be sure to visit the new and improved Ninjalane at
About Ninjalane - Website History
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Sunday, February 06, 2011

Website History Timeline 3
May 09 2005
Moved into the new house and the started the new Ninjalane Labs
May was a great month as it marked the conclusion of the major building project and the unofficial start of my freelance web development company sharing the familiar "Ninja Lane" name. Yep that's right Ninjalane expanded from being a hardware review site to a full fledged web architecture and development firm. Granted I was the only employee but again that's beside the point.
Things remained the same for a couple years after this; the financial hardship of having to close on a new house without my previous income was difficult so priorities shifted from working on the website to doing client work.
Business savvy people will say "well why you didn't take on the site full time?" Well the answer is simple. At the time Ninjalane was still a side business that afforded me an outlet to release my inner geek. It enabled me to accomplish things in my web development career that I wasn't able to do at work, plus I could play with the latest computer hardware.
It was really a perfect combo.
Truth be told my dedication to finishing the house is what prevented me from making Ninjalane what it could have been.
May was a great month as it marked the conclusion of the major building project and the unofficial start of my freelance web development company sharing the familiar "Ninja Lane" name. Yep that's right Ninjalane expanded from being a hardware review site to a full fledged web architecture and development firm. Granted I was the only employee but again that's beside the point.
Things remained the same for a couple years after this; the financial hardship of having to close on a new house without my previous income was difficult so priorities shifted from working on the website to doing client work.
Business savvy people will say "well why you didn't take on the site full time?" Well the answer is simple. At the time Ninjalane was still a side business that afforded me an outlet to release my inner geek. It enabled me to accomplish things in my web development career that I wasn't able to do at work, plus I could play with the latest computer hardware.
It was really a perfect combo.
Truth be told my dedication to finishing the house is what prevented me from making Ninjalane what it could have been.
May 01 2006
Things remained somewhat stagnant in terms of, my client work took priority over development on Ninjalane so new features never materialized and the design never changed. Funny thing is I had planned a refresh of Ninjalane back in 2004 and was working on new graphics and code. I also had plans for a new site called Upgrade Alley and a product line of cooling products (waterblocks, heatsinks etc..) but all of this had to be tabled.
Upgrade Alley did get some web time in December 2005 with an official site launch but the entire business plan could not be realized and quickly faded away.
Upgrade Alley did get some web time in December 2005 with an official site launch but the entire business plan could not be realized and quickly faded away.
January 13 2007
January is the time of CES in fabulous Las Vegas and Ninjalane was there with 2 things in mind. 1) To re-establish some contacts and 2) start spreading the word of a re-launch of Ninjalane in June.
January is the time of CES in fabulous Las Vegas and Ninjalane was there with 2 things in mind. 1) To re-establish some contacts and 2) start spreading the word of a re-launch of Ninjalane in June.
June 01 2007
Ninjalane v3.0 is launched
This site launch marks a stopping point of a 6 month development effort encompassing a major site re-design, and CMS backend. The CMS was built from the ground up and happens to be based on the same XML article system I developed some 5 years previous. The site also features a toned down version of Upgrade Alley and too many other features to mention.
This site launch marks a stopping point of a 6 month development effort encompassing a major site re-design, and CMS backend. The CMS was built from the ground up and happens to be based on the same XML article system I developed some 5 years previous. The site also features a toned down version of Upgrade Alley and too many other features to mention.
As of this writing the site has been running for about 3 months and there is still a huge laundry list of features to add however the important part is that the site is launched and running strong.
Article update: Everything from this point forward is new as of January 17, 2010
Article update: Everything from this point forward is new as of January 17, 2010