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Foxconn A88GMX MicroATX Motherboard Review
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bios Features
As we mentioned before the Foxconn A88GMX is not really designed for overclocking however when it comes to system tuning the more features you have the better. Just about any setting you will need is available under the Fox Intelligent Stepping menu
Below are some of the more interesting screens found in the A88GMX BIOS.(in no particular order)
Below are some of the more interesting screens found in the A88GMX BIOS.(in no particular order)
As with all BIOS menus it is a good idea to root around a bit and find all of the settings you are looking for and what their dependencies might be. There are a few menus in the Foxconn BIOS go several levels deep.