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DFI LanParty DK 790FXB Motherboard Review
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Benchmarks - Overclocked
As with all of our reviews we pit the default speed system against the overclocked one in a head to head byte match. The results of this are below. The effective overclock for these tests is 3.4Ghz @ 220HTT. The system would boot and run quite well at 3.8Ghz however it wasn't stable enough to run our benchmark suite so we had to say goodbye to 400Mhz worth of extra overclock.

SiSoft Sandra Various Overclocks

Quake 4

Unreal Tournament 3

Overclocking Conclusion
Overclocking on DFI LanParty equipment is sometimes extremely easy and other times requires that you know a whole lot about the platform you are working on. In the case of the X58 the process is pretty straight forward and not unlike any other Intel overclocking venture. On the Phenom II however the process is a little more difficult. You see the Phenom II features a series of multipliers that are all derived from one basic frequency, the HTT. The HTT clock is 200Mhz by default and is what everything is based on. For instance CPU frequency is the multiplier x HTT so you raise the HTT the CPU speed increases but so does everything else.
The difficulty in overclocking comes in that you almost have too many multipliers to keep track of and are never quite sure if what you are tweaking is helping or hurting overall system performance, most of the time the tweak doesn't do anything thus leading to endless hours of tweak, bench, repeat.
The difficulty in overclocking comes in that you almost have too many multipliers to keep track of and are never quite sure if what you are tweaking is helping or hurting overall system performance, most of the time the tweak doesn't do anything thus leading to endless hours of tweak, bench, repeat.