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  • reviews
  • motherboards
  • Soltek SL-K8AV-R 'Black Thunder' Motherboard Review
  • Soltek SL-K8AV-R 'Black Thunder' Motherboard Review


    Bios Features

    VIA allows for quite a bit of flexibility when it comes to HyperTransport connectivity between the Northbridge and processor, the default is 16bit and 800Mhz, this combo will render the best performance.
    FSB is BIOS controlled and limited by the jumper block on the motherboard. With the jumpers in their default position the maximum FSB frequency is 233Mhz. This value changes to a higher range when the jumperblock is updated allowing for future processor usage or a better overclock.
    Since the AGP and PCI clocks are not locked on this K8T800 motherboard I would venture to say that each of these FSB intervals will also render the AGP and PCI clocks back to respective speeds. I attempted to test this but our Athlon64 3200+ would not boot outside of the default FSB range.
    CPU core, AGP and DIMM voltages are adjustable via the BIOS and the "2.5v Select" controls chipset voltage to the Northbridge. The memory clock is adjustable in increments of 100,133,166, and 200 to cover the many different module speeds and to act as a memory divider for overclocking purposes. Vcore is adjustable up to 1.7v; this also seems to be the default standard among K8 motherboards.