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  • reviews
  • motherboards
  • Foxconn Winfast N570SM2AA Motherboard Review
  • Foxconn Winfast N570SM2AA Motherboard Review


    Benchmarks - Overclocked

    As with all of our reviews we pit the default speed system against the overclocked one in a head to head byte match. The results of this are below. The effective overclock here is 2.7Ghz with a CPU/9 memory divider due to the DDR2-667 memory running at DDR2-533 speeds.
    CPU-Z 246FSB
    SiSoft Sandra Various Overcloc
    Quake 4
    Overclocking Conclusion
    The Winfast N570SM2AA wasn't a particularly strong overclocker for us having only hit 246Mhz before the system would no longer post. During the entire overclocking process the system remained completely stable and didn't express any concerns until the memory started cutting out around 225Mhz (which prompted the use of the memory divider).
    The results really speak out at the bandwidth potential of DDR2 with over 1000MB/s gain in our Sandra memory scores even with the reduced clock frequency. This didn't help in terms of memory latency as our cachemem scores didn't really change much.