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EVGA GTX 460 SuperClocked 1GB Video Card Review
Author: Will West
Published: Thursday, August 05, 2010

Crysis Warhead
Crysis Warhead is the same game as the first Crysis just being told from the point of view of another soldier named Psycho. The character Psycho is on an island just off the coast of China fighting against North Koreans, and some rather cold hearted aliens. Crysis Warhead is a fully fledged DirectX 10 game that has no mercy on any graphics card to date.
All of the settings per resolution are below, and Anti-Aliasing is turned off during testing.
2560x1600: Gamer
1920x1200: Enthusiast
1680x1050: Enthusiast
2560x1600: Gamer
1920x1200: Enthusiast
1680x1050: Enthusiast

Crysis has finally made a mid range card shine in all its wicked GPU beating fury. The GTX 460 not only handles the 2560 x 1600 resolution with a decent frame rate but also does better than the GTX 285 at the lower resolutions.
Now that is truly the way to show off a mid range GPU power house.
Now that is truly the way to show off a mid range GPU power house.