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EVGA GTX 460 SuperClocked 1GB Video Card Review
Author: Will West
Published: Thursday, August 05, 2010

Card Layout and Features
The EVGA GTX 460 1GB SC is smaller compared to some of the other 400 series cards, but it does carry a mighty punch for its size. EVGA has opted to use the NVidia reference design for this product from board to heatsink.
This card features an entirely black PCB and heatsink that exhausts outside the case. EVGA calls this feature EE or External Exhaust, and is pretty typical of modern video cards.
The video output is made up of 2 x DVI and a mini-HDMI digital output that has a dongle for connecting to a standard HDMI connection. HDMI does carry audio signal through a built in sound chip on the GTX 460 unlike other older NVidia series cards.
SLI is limited on the EVGA GTX 460 to a maximum of two cards due to the single SLI bridge connection. This may change in the future with custom board designs, however unlikely, it was done to keep the GTX 460 from destroying the higher end product lines in scalar performance.
The EVGA GTX 460 is 16x PCI-Express 2.0 compliant video card but it will work just fine in older PCI-Express enabled motherboards.
Two 6-pin power connections are located on the back edge of the video card. A 450 Watt power supply is recommended for a single GTX 460 from a PSU with at least 24 amps available on the +12 volt rail.